Please Donate to RSPCA Victoria


Shenzi's Surgery Appeal


Your kind words and donations have blown us away - thank you so much for your helping Shenzi live the life she deserves 🐾💕


Sweet Shenzi was the smallest of her litter, now she needs the most care.

Only weeks old, Shenzi and her siblings were found abandoned in a box on a remote property. Without the ability to even fend for themselves, they were luckily discovered in time and were soon in the care of RSPCA. 

The smallest of her litter, Shenzi sadly had an eye condition affecting her vision,  several paw deformities, and a painful fracture, causing the poor little pup to yelp and whimper on the slightest touch. X-rays confirmed she had a condition called syndactyly, causing fused toes in both of her hind paws and right front paw.

Shenzi's left hind paw was the worst with a fracture and fused bones. Often crying and yelping even with the lightest touch, our vet team decided a portion of her toe needed to be amputated to alleviate her immediate pain and discomfort. If left untreated, she would require ongoing long term pain medications to control her pain levels – Shenzi deserves better!

Please help cover the costs!

With ongoing monitoring of her paws and eye condition which will likely lead to further surgeries needed, we expect the care costs for Shenzi will pass $4,500.

Once abandoned and unwanted, please help us cover the costs and show Shenzi she is truly loved and wanted.

Shenzi is just one of the 336 shelter animals currently under vet care at RSPCA Victoria. As a community-funded organisation, we can’t shoulder the cost of these life-changing surgeries on our own – please help us give Shenzi the life she deserves.

Thank you for opening your heart to animals and contributing what you can to Shenzi's surgery fund.

*The goal for Shenzi's fundraiser includes the cost of her surgeries and other costs associated with her care. If funds raised in Shenzi's name exceed target, additional funds will contribute to the treatment, rehabilitation and rehoming of other animals in need.

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Our Goal: ${{{bar.goal}}}

We've Raised: ${{{bar.raised}}}


Shenzi's Fund

My Choice

Ella's Surgery Appeal



Ella recently came into our care at only a few weeks of age, with 6 other cats and kittens (including her siblings) when Inspector Jackson investigated a report of cats living in unsafe conditions. Living in a dirty and poorly ventilated 3x3m shed. The floor and most surfaces were covered with cat faeces and urine.

Born with a birth defect affecting her right hindleg. Tiny Ella is missing her entire paw and has a painful wound on the end of her “stumpy” leg leaving her open to the risk of serious infection.

Thankfully Inspector Jackson found her before her wound became seriously infected.

But her stump won’t heal, and Ella must now have surgery to amputate a portion of her leg to ensure healing and allow her to live, walk and play, free from pain. 

Please help Ella get the surgery she needs with a donation today!


We expect her surgery and after care costs to exceed $2,100. Shy and weary of people because of how she started life, Ella is just learning how to be a kitten.

With your kindness, this beautiful young cat can look forward to a full, happy life ahead, in the comfort and safety of a loving home.

Ella is just one of the 364 shelter animals currently under vet care at RSPCA Victoria and her surgery is just one of X(will get stats) performed this week. As a community-funded organisation, we can’t shoulder the cost of these vital surgeries on our own – please help us give Ella the life she deserves.

Thank you for opening your heart to animals and contributing what you can to Ella’s emergency fund.

*The goal for Ella's fundraiser includes the cost of her surgery and other costs associated with her care. If funds raised in Ella’s name exceed target, additional funds will contribute to the treatment, rehabilitation and rehoming of other animals in need.

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Give $48

To care for a shelter animal for an entire day. They’ll have a full belly, a warm bed and a safe place to be.  ​​​​​​​

Give $75

Your gift can help provide a full health check as soon as an animals arrives at one of our shelters. Ensuring we can find and treat any issues right away. ​​​​​​​

Give $120

You'll help our volunteers and staff make whole loads of wet washing become warm fluffy bedding – ready to help comfort animals who are desperate to feel loved.

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